In view of the discussion in the US of ageing on Presidential candidates, this post looks at the impact on cognition and the positive effects of ageing
Free will an Aquisition
My Approach to the Problem of Free Will Introductory Comments This is the second of two videos on free will. It has some new content to the blog on the website, so I am going to put it up on the site as a separate blog. The site is: I will also present this… Continue reading Free will an Aquisition
Conspracy Theory (Arabic) نظرية المؤامرة؟ماهيتها
What is conspiracy theory? Why are they believed?.
Intelligent Design?
A critique of Intelligent Design
Scepticism and the Role of Evidence
Scepticism and Evidence As indicated in previous blogs I am here presenting an overview on the nature of evidence. It is important to understand what constitutes evidence for a sceptic as this is what we turn to for validation of claims and assertions. The topic is quite complicated to cover as there is so much… Continue reading Scepticism and the Role of Evidence
Questioning Sam Harris’ Rejection of Free Will
Observations on Sam Harris’s Rejection of Free Will: A Vygotskian Approach Introduction I apologise to readers for taking a long time since my last presentation to post something new. One reason is that the topic I chose for this blog has proved extremely difficult as you will no doubt see. It is not only complex… Continue reading Questioning Sam Harris’ Rejection of Free Will
Conspiracy Theory? What is it?
Conspiracy Theory and Scepticism Conspiracy theories are a phenomena that has always intrigued me. They appear to break all the rules of reason and rational thought. Those who believe them hold to them so strongly there is little one can say to convince them of their irrationality. The problem is that they can be quite… Continue reading Conspiracy Theory? What is it?
Free Speech, Hate Speech and Religion (Arabic Version)
Free speech Issues Translated from English by hafid ouayahou حرية التعبير وخطاب الكراهية والدينمرحبًا أيها الأصدقاء ، مرحبًا بكم في مدونتنا. في هذا العرض التقديمي ، أود مناقشة القضايا المتعلقة بحرية التعبير ومزاياها وقيودها والمواضيع ذات الصلة مثل خطاب الكراهية والتمييز. تهديدات خطيرة لهذا التقليد من الحرية الذي هو حجر الزاوية في الديمقراطية.قبل أن يصيبنا الفيروس… Continue reading Free Speech, Hate Speech and Religion (Arabic Version)